Holbergsymposiet 2012: Media and Democracy

The symposium was held in honour of Holberg Laureate Manuel Castells
Opening Welcome
Ivar Bleiklie, Director Holberg Prize and Professor of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen.
Helga Nowotny, Professor Emerita, Social Studies of Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; President, European Research Council
Panel 1: Democracy, Power and Political Participation
1. The City and the State
Göran Therborn, Professor of Sociology Emeritus, University of Cambridge
2. Citizens Engaging with the State: Understanding the Dynamics of Online Collective Action
Helen Margetts, Director, Oxford Internet Institute, Professor of Society and the Internet, University of Oxford
3. The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power
Andrew Chadwick, Professor of Political Science , Co-Director, New Political Communications Unit, Royal Holloway, University of London
Moderator: Jostein Gripsrud, Professor of Media Studies, University of Bergen
The Holberg Lecture
Networked Social Movements: Changing the world in the Network Society
Manuel Castells 2012 Holberg International Memorial Prize Laureate
Moderator: Helga Nowotny, President, ERC
Panel 2: New Social Movements and New Media
1. How does the concept of Network Culture challenge the concepts of Political and Media systems in Central and Eastern Europe?
Terhi Rantanen, Professor of Global Media and Communications, LSE
2. Political Moment or Social Movement? Beyond the Spectacle of Participation in the Middle East.
Annabelle Sreberny, Professor of Media and Film Studies. Director, Centre for Iranian Studies, SOAS
3. Social Movements and the Fifth Estate
William Dutton, Professor of Internet Studies, University of Oxford, Emeritus Professor, Annenberg School for Communication, USC
Moderator: Mette Andersson, Professor of Sociology, University of Bergen
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Jostein Gripsrud, Professor of Media Studies, University of Bergen
Closing words
Ivar Bleiklie, Director Holberg Prize and Professor of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen