Nils Klim Prize News

– Emissions trading is far from straightforward

Are environmental issues a legal concern? What are the mechanisms that control environmental markets and emissions trading? These are some of the questions that 2016 Nils Klim Laureate Sanja Bogojević answers in this interview.

Cuts May Cause Loss of a Generation of Scholars

Following the Nils Klim Committee meeting in Helsinki on 29 January, there was an event at the Norwegian Embassy, as a part of the “Evening at the Embassy” series. Here, scholars and experts gathered to discuss the extensive university sector budget cuts that are being implemented in Finland and other Nordic countries, and the consequences for young researchers in particular.

Interview with Rebecca Adler-Nissen

Nils Klim Prize winner of 2015, Rebecca Adler-Nissen, is an expert in international relations, diplomacy and European integration. In this interview she explains her motivation for exploring these fields of study and her views on the role of the social sciences in our time.

Terje Lohndal | The Nils Klim Interview 2014

Linguist Terje Lohndal is the youngest ever Nils Klim Prize laureate and already a prominent figure within the research field of formal, Chomskyan linguistics. We've asked him what it was that sparked his interest in lingusitics and about his plans for the future.

Call for nominations: The 2021 Nils Klim Prize

The Holberg Board is now inviting nominations for the 2021 Nils Klim Prize. The Prize is awarded to a young scholar from a Nordic country under the age of 35 who have made outstanding contributions to research in the humantities, social sciences, law or theology.