New Danish addition to the Nils Klim Committee

Professor Dorthe Staunæs from DPU, Aarhus University, has been appointed the new Danish member of the Nils Klim Committee.
In June this year, professor Frans Gregersen from Copenhagen University stepped down from the Nils Klim Committee after eight years. For the last four last years Gregersen has served as chair of the Committee. The Holberg Prize would like to thank Gregersen for his commitment and good work.Tone Sverdrup, professor at the Department of Private Law, University of Oslo has been appointed new committee chair.
Dorthe Staunæs from Aarhus University will fill the free seat as representative for Denmark in the Committee in the years to come. Staunæs is professor in Social Psychology at the Danish School of Education (DPU), a department of Aarhus University situated in Emdrup. Throughout her carreer Staunæs has been particularly focued on exploring the role of affective leadership in education, as well as topics related to race, gender and workplace diversity.
The Nils Klim Committee is responsible for assessing all nominations for the Nils Klim Prize each year.and present a recommendation for the Holberg Board, who decides on the Prize winner. The Holberg Board also appoints new members to the committee. Members are elected for a term of three years, with possibility for re-election once. In addition to scholarly achievements, variation in geography and scholarly fields are also criterias which committe members are chosen from. As a rule, all five Nordic countries are represented amongst the committee members.