Graduate opportunity: Masterclass with Cass R. Sunstein

The Holberg Prize is offering scholarships for five Nordic PhD candidates to participate in a Masterclass with Professor Cass R. Sunstein on "What to Do About Human Error". The event takes place during the Holberg Week, on 4 June, in Bergen.
Nordic PhD candidates can now apply to participate in an exclusive Masterclass with Holberg Laureate 2018, Cass R. Sunstein, on June 4th, 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. in Bergen. Expenses for transportation and accommodation will be covered, and the participants are also invited to take part in the official Holberg Week Program, June 4th-6th. Application deadline: 1 May.
What to Do About Human Error
In recent decades, we have learned a great deal about human error. For example, people tend to focus on the present rather than the future; to be unrealistically optimistic; to make mistakes in assessing risks; to be overconfident; and to pay attention to only a subset of the considerations before them. Obesity is one result; another is premature death. A large question, for societies and individuals alike, is what to do about human error. What interventions, from the private or public sector, would work best? When is coercion justified? When is liberty the solution? What about education? What is the role of machine learning and algorithms?
About Cass Sunstein
Professor Cass Sunstein is currently Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard University. He is widely regarded as the leading scholar of administrative law in the U.S. and his scholarship spans several major areas, notably behavioral economics and public policy, constitutional law and democratic theory, legal theory and jurisprudence, and the regulation of risk. From 2009 to 2012, he was Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, where he helped oversee a wide range of reforms involving safety, air quality, civil rights, open government, climate change, economic opportunity, health, and reduction of poverty. He is the founder and Director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School.
Participants will be asked to prepare a 7-minute presentation related to the topic "What to Do About Human Error". In addition to reading the recommended literature, participants are also asked to prepare questions for Professor Sunstein in advance. The discussion will be held in English.
Reading list
- Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein, "Libertarian Paternalism Is Not an Oxymoron" (University of Chicago Public Law & Legal Theory Working Paper No. 43, 2003).
- Sunstein, Cass R., "Nudges That Fail" (SSRN, July 18, 2016).
- Conly, Sarah, "Paternalism, coercion and the unimportance of (some) liberties" (Behavioural Public Policy, 1(2), 207-218, 2016)
- Waldron, Jeremy, "It's All For Your Own Good" (New York Review of Books, 2014)
- Cornell, Nicholas "The Third Theory of Paternalism" (Michigan Law Review, 2015)
How to apply
Apply for the Masterclass by completing the application form below. It is asked that you submit a letter of motivation, your CV and contact information. Deadline for applications: May 1st, 2018.
Application form: Masterclass 2018
If you have any questions about the event, application requirements or practicalities, please contact Project Manager Solveig Stornes at