Cui Zhiyuan joins the Holberg Committee

As of June this year, Professor Cui Zhiyuan from Tsinghua University is appointed a new member of the Holberg Committee.
The Holberg Prize welcomes Professor Cui Zhiyuan as the newest member of the Holberg Committee. Zhiyuan joined the committee after Pratap Bhanu Metha stepped down in June. Metha has been part of the committee for eight full years, and had the leader role for the last four years. The Holberg Prize thanks him for his excellent work, and wishes Dame Hazel Genn good luck as the new committee chair.
Cui Zhiyuan wrote his Ph.D. in political science at the University of Chicago, and is now a professor at The School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University. He has also been a Visiting Fellow at a number of prestigious institutions, like Harvard University Law, MIT and the National University of Singapore throughout his academic career. He is also a prominent representative for the Chinese New Left, a movement that criticizes Chinese economic policy and advocates for alternative marked solutions.
The Holberg Committee meets twice a year to discuss the nominated candidates for the Holberg Prize, before they put forward their reccomandation to the Holberg Board, who makes the final decision. In addition to Professor Zhiyuan the committee consists of the aforementioned Dame Hazel Glenn, professor and Dean of Law at the University College London, Bjørn Wittrock, professor at Uppsala University, Mary Beard, professor at the University of Cambrigde and Graeme Turner, professor emeritus at the University if Queensland.