Announcement of the Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize 2015

The Holberg Prize names British storyteller and fairytale critic Marina Warner as 2015 laureate. Danish EU scholar Rebecca Adler-Nissen receives the Nils Klim Prize.
More information about the prizewinners.
The announcement ceremony took place at the Library of Humanities, University of Bergen from 09:00 CET. Main speakers at the announcement was the Holberg Prize Board chair Sigmund Grønmo, and rector of the University of Bergen, Dag Rune Olsen.
You can watch the streaming from the ceremony in the window above.
The Holberg Prize is awarded annually to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to research within the arts and humanities, social sciences, law or theology. The Prize for 2015 amounts to 4.5 million NOK (approximately 538 000 EUR / 735 000 USD *).
The Nils Klim Prize amounts to 250,000 NOK (approximately 30 000 EUR /41 000 USD*) and is awarded to an outstanding younger Nordic researcher under the age of 35.