Rosenvilde Secondary Upper School
Winner of the Holberg Prize School Project
Iben Aarbakke, student at Rosenvilde Upper Secondary School in Akershus, won the Holberg Prize School Project in 2015. Olsvikåsen Upper Secondary School came second, whereas Elvebakken Upper Secondary School followed at third place.
First place to Rosenvilde Upper Secondary School

Iben Aarbakke won the Holberg Prize School Project 2015. Her research project explored the underlying structures of language code-switching in an Italian-Norwegian speaking family. The jury of the school prize states that "All in all, "Code-switching in a Norwegian-Italian Family" is an outstanding research project that shows both great personal involvement, creativity, keen theoretical insights and a good understanding of methodological demands within the research tradition."
Second place to Olsvikåsen Upper Secondary School

Åsa K. Lædre, Vilde A. Østevold, Elene S. Løtveit and Mariell Johannesen, at Olsvikåsen Upper Secondary School came on second place with their research project: "The teaching profession - a profession in danger. About apostasy among recent graduated teachers" (Læreryrket – en profesjon i faresonen. Om frafall blant nyutdannede lærere).
Third place to Elvebakken Upper Secondary School

The third place goes to Marie Nygaard Sørlien at Elvebakken Upper Secondary School in Oslo for her research project: "The young and compliant: will the muncipality reform influence the youth and local democracy?" (Unge og medvirkning: vil kommunereformen påvirke unges deltakelse i og tilgang til lokaldemokratiet?)
The Holberg Prize School Project
20 upper secondary schools and more than 800 students from all over Norway participate in the Holberg Prize School Project each year. The students are assisted by scholars and the projects are integrated into their regular curriculum. Three research projects are awarded prizes of NOK 30,000, NOK 20,000 and NOK 10,000, respectively.
The finalists are announced in mid May and the School Project Award Ceremony is held during the Holberg Week in early June each year.