Film screening and discussion: "Why Ukraine"?

As a warmp-up to the 1 December Holberg Debate, the documentary film "Why Ukraine?" will be screened on 29 November. Afterwards, there will be a discussion between Professor Lise Rakner and Professor Don Kalb.

At the Holberg Debate on 1 December, Professor John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago, will meet former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt to discuss global security, with a focus on Ukraine, Russia, China and the West.

As a warm-up to the Holberg Debate, the documentary film "Pourquoi l'Ukraine" / "Why Ukraine?" (2022) will be screened at Det Akademiske Kvarter on 29 November. The film is directed by French philosopher and writer Bernard-Henri Levy, and Marc Roussel.

In the film, Lévy goes to Ukraine to film both the front lines and civil resistance. He calls on Europe to act to defend democracy.

Following the screening, there will be a discussion between Professor Lise Rakner (Department of Government, University of Bergen) and Professor Don Kalb (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen).


- to 19:00, CET. - 21:00, CET.
Tivoli, Det Akademiske Kvarter, Bergen
Practical information
The event is a collaboration between The Holberg Prize, The Bergen Student Society, and Bergen Film Club.