Critical introduction to Joan Martinez-Alier: political ecology, justice and degrowth

Welcome to a symposium organized by the Centre for Climate and Energy Transition (CET) in collaboration with the Holberg Prize.

This year’s winner of the Holberg Prize, Joan Martinez-Alier, has made significant contributions to ecological economics, political ecology, and environmental justice. More recently, he has also become a public intellectual in the degrowth movement.

At this symposium, scholars familiar with his work will provide critical introductions to his work. Then there will be a debate between presenters, with openings for comments and questions from the audience, about the merits and usefulness of this scholarship.  

12.00-12.15:   Coffee and snacks

12.15-12.30:   Brief overview of the work of Joan Martinez-Alier by Håvard Haarstad, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, UiB

12.30-13.00:   Political ecology and degrowth by Tor Arve Benjaminsen, NMBU

13.00-13.30:   Environmental justice and injustice by Anwesha Dutta, Chr. Michelsen Institute

13.30-14.00:   Discussion

Please register for the symposium here.


- to 12:00, CEST. - 14:00, CEST.
Ulrikes Aula, Ulrike Pihls hus (Professor Keysers gate 1)