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Previous events

24 November 2009 24 November 2009

The 2009 Holberg Symposium is held in honour of philosopher and hisotrian of the sciences, Ian Hacking.

25 November 2008 25 November 2008

Six distinguished scholars from four continents gathered Tuesday, 25 November, at the University of Bergen in Norway to discuss the ideas of cultural critic Fredric R. Jameson, Holberg Prize Laureate 2008.

27 November 2007 27 November 2007

The Symposium was held in the honour of the 2007 Holberg Laureate, American legal scholar Ronald Dworkin.

28 November 2006 28 November 2006

The Holberg Symposium was held in honour of Holberg Laureate Shmuel Eisenstadt. The main topic of the event was: "The Processes that Change the World" The program was divided into four sessions.

29 November 2005 29 November 2005

The main lecture at the Symposium "Religion in the Public Sphere" was held by the Holberg Laureate 2005, Professor Jürgen Habermas. Four other prominent scholars also gave each their lectures in relation to the topic chosen by Habermas. The lectures from the symposium has later been published as a book.

2 December 2004 2 December 2004

The Holberg Symposium was held in honour of Julia Kristeva, the Holberg Laureate 2004, on 2. December in Bergen.