Award Ceremony: The Holberg Prize & The Nils Klim Prize

The Official Award Ceremony for the Holberg Prize and the Nils Klim Prize.

The Holberg Prize will be conferred upon Paul Gilroy by HRH Crown Prince Haakon and the Nils Klim Prize will be conferred upon Finnur Dellsén by the Norwegian Minister of Research and Higher Education Iselin Nybø. The Award Ceremony will be followed by a short reception at Christie Café. Guests are kindly asked to register at the door and find their seats no later than 1:45 P.M.

The Award Ceremony is by invitation only, but will be livestreamed on this page.

- to 14:00, CEST. - 15:30, CEST.
The University Aula, Muséplassen 3, Bergen
Practical information
This event is by invitation only. Guests are kindly asked to take their seats no later than 1:45 P.M.
The ceremony will be followed by a short reception.